Characters We Work With – Brooklyn 99
The Amy Santiago
Amy is the ultimate do-gooder, there to do her job at its highest level and hoping for a boss with a watchful eye recognizing her excellence at her craft. In addition to being good at what she does, she is kind, respectful, somewhat pious, with a moral clock that is always on time. Seeing her up close for years you learned long ago that she is genuinely ‘Good’. You assume she grew up in a strict household where good manners came above all else. She is also super-competitive and not afraid to let you know she intends to be successful. Whatever the best employee is doing, Amy will look to outdo it. She does so in a healthy way, simply to stand out rather than make anyone look bad. You experience over time that Amy, in spite of her goodness, can cut loose on occasion. She will join the crew after work, have a few drinks, and get a little bit wild. While it is a hoot to see Amy have a few drinks in her, the whole team knows to cut her off. No one wants to see Six-Drink Amy…
The Terry Jeffords
Terry is one of the leaders in the department and is simply a perfect fit for the role. You and everyone look up to Terry as one of your own whose leadership within the ranks led him to the next level where is everything you’d hoped for when you urged him to go for it years earlier. As a leader, Terry has great credibility with the team and has not disappointed since taking the role. He is fair, honest, available and transparent with everyone. He does not play favorites and lets no one kiss up to him to get on his good side. He doesn’t have one. As it relates to business, Terry is All Business. But he definitely has a fun side. Before his promotion he would join you and the team for drinks on any given night, and since moving up, has continued doing the tradition. It is clear that at any level, Terry is his own man, and you’re glad to have him on your side.
The Captain Holt
Captain Holt is the big boss, and if Terry takes his job seriously, Captain Holt makes him look like a court jester. It took you a while to adjust to the style of Captain Holt, whose seriousness is easily dismissed by some as mean or nasty. But he is much more than the cool, emotionless drone-ish personality he projects. He is no nonsense in every facet of his life you come to learn. He seldom raises his voice, almost never shows emotion, keeping the even keel and sense of calm that people look for in a leader. His institutional knowledge is vast, and you realize that the more time you can spend under his tutelage, the better you will become at what you do. You gave up thoughts of having a warm, fuzzy, jokester at the helm, which while fun, would never get you anywhere. Captain Holt cares about his people deeply, and expresses it through his actions, the work he assigns, and the very rare pat on the back which means the world to everyone lucky enough to be on the receiving end. He intends to make his people better to achieve their own goals, knowing that people operating at their best will yield tremendous dividends to the business as well.
The Gina Linetti
Gina is the office riot, both intentionally and unintentionally. She will try to be funny, mainly with extreme sarcasm and poking fun at people. You watch her going about her work expecting to see her serious side, but you seldom do. She will always be multi-tasking, which for Gina is a combination of completing her work while surfing social media, playing a game on her smartphone, and possibly watching the movie playing on a tablet. What is amazing about her is you get the sense that she is fully engaged in all of it. Her work is consistently good, she is responsive when people need her, even if they sometimes have to ask her twice and interrupt her ‘activities’. But she has the energy and the intellect to keep it all together. It is apparent that this mix of work and fun helps Gina stay productive and strike the right balance to keep her an engaged, positive contributor for the team.
The Jake Peralta
Every office has the comedian, the one who is simply unable to restrain himself from making light of things or from cracking a joke regardless of the timing or situation. Sure, people enjoy having that person around for the most part, but seldom do they respect or greatly value the comedian, as often the work is not quite on the same level as their comedy. Your office has a few comedians, but also Jake Peralta. Jake is both funny and talented. And is he strikingly superb on both counts. Beyond the wisecracking and sarcasm of the common man, Jake is a cut above. He can not only be funny with a razor sharp wit, but he will plan out pranks on you and the team that are never mean-spirited(although sometimes may cause minor injury), and is happy to be the one being pranked just as much. He can take it as well as he gives it, and he gives it! That only works because Jake is one of the most valuable players in your organization. He knows his stuff inside and out, has great instincts, and is always sure of what steps to take to get things done right. Jake also knows that his role is two-fold, and he fills both roles phenomenally. He helps everyone to deliver high quality work on time every time, while creating an atmosphere in which people can have fun, enjoy and support each other to keep stress low and morale high day in and day out.