Characters We Work With – Seinfeld

The Careereon Blogging Team
September 19, 2022

Characters We Work With – Seinfeld

The George

They lie, exaggerate, and only accept blame or offer an apology for their behavior when presented with DNA or video evidence. And even then, you will hear multiple reasons why they either had no choice, or it really wasn’t their fault. The George is never above pointing a finger at someone else. Whatever the reasons may be, they lack the self-esteem to believe that you will like them for who they are, and ever become a person who is trustworthy and cares as much about others as they do about themselves. Unfortunately, Georges will not change, will continue to lie, cheat and steal to get people to like them. As you have seen, Georges don’t last for very long around the workplace. If they manage not to get themselves caught with their hand in the cookie jar, or trash barrel, it won’t be long before most everyone discovers who they really, and ask him to go on his way.

The Elaine

Intelligent, hard-working, talented, and looks the part of upper management, Elaine doesn’t have ‘no shame’ but has very little shame we’ll say. Elaine is willing to have fun, be silly, and even embarrassing in the spur of the moment when the situation calls for it. Elaine will put herself out there for her people, happy to take on a lead role on a project, and also be the one to get the party started as the first one on the dance floor even though she clearly does not know how to dance. Through the kicking and the thumbs, and lacking even a single iota of rhythm, you see that Elaine loves it. And that’s not helping either…But her joy and willingness to be funny, have fun and self-effacing draws you in and makes her a beloved friend and colleague for whom you are thankful to have by your side.

The Kramer

The Kramers around the office we recognize are a bit ‘Out There’. They march to the beat of their own drum, and sometimes do things that defy logic and reason. But they are as loyal as the day is long, and will be the one to raise their hand to help you out to finish a project or step in when you can’t be there, and they are the most likely to say yes if you need a ride to the airport or help moving. Because of their generosity of spirit and oddball humor, you can’t help but enjoy Kramer’s presence. The quirky habits, crazy diets that range from Carb-Free to Carb-Only to adding ‘Extra MSG to their Chinese food’ only serve to make you smiler more widely when Kramer is around. His complete lack of social awareness sees them walk innocently into the room when you are in the middle of conducting a meeting where he will assuredly say the wrong thing, but all of which is part of what makes Kramer a solid, and lovable, colleague.

The Newman

Timing is everything in business and you can bet that when you are at your worst in the office, whether you have fumbled an important work assignment, missed a deadline, or happened to retell that joke your brother-in-law told you at last weekend’s barbecue (which is not exactly work-appropriate) just as the boss is walking by, there will be someone there to witness and revel in your embarrassment. It is the Office Newman. If you have not figured it out yet, it is no accident, nor coincidence that Newman happens to be in the right place at the right time, every time. Newman is always around, keeping the antennae up for anything and everything worthy of prying into. He is always ready to jump into action so you know that they know, and perhaps ‘owe him one’, which he’ll look to redeem at some future date.

The Jerry

Smart, easy going and positive are some great traits to exhibit in the workplace. Jerry is the one you can count on to add levity to even the most stressful situations. Having that person who helps you through a fairly mundane, or even stressful, workday by giving you a smile, a laugh here and there, and can be counted on to have your back when you need them is worth its weight in gold. Yes, Jerry can be petty, a little sensitive or spiteful when he believes someone has done him wrong. He will occasionally have bouts of immaturity or be overly animated, but even those times make you laugh. The Jerry ‘cannot NOT be funny’. He is ‘Must-See’ around the office and why you and most consider him the straw that stirs the drink.

Bonus Footage!

The Bob Sacamano

Who is Bob Sacamano you ask? He is Kramer’s longtime friend as you understand it, mentioned in many a story, part of his mysterious personal life, and sometimes on the other end of the phone. We are aware of him, we believe he exists, but never actually see or get to meet him. In many a workplace there exists the Bob Sacamano whose name you hear or see mysteriously attached to projects, some of which you were actually a part of yourself but can’t recall what part Bob played. You’ll hear others tell stories of projects and work where they have met with and been around Bob for weeks at a time. You hear of trips and after work drinks that were had where Bob was a central figure time and time again. This only intrigues you further in your quest to chase down and document the Bob. He is the office Bigfoot, more legend than reality and has you repeatedly scratching your head wondering if this person actually exists.


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