Characters We Work With – Good Times

The Careereon Blogging Team
December 14, 2022

The James Evans

When you see James in action or just think about him in general, the term ‘Rock Solid’ comes to mind. He is in middle management, and you know that while he didn’t have the pedigree, didn’t know anyone, and does not possess the level of education for most at his level, that James has earned every success in his career. Thus, when he is around talking to people, they listen. He has a humility about him that lets you feel like his partner, never his subordinate. James is incredibly strong in his convictions, such that saying even a borderline inappropriate comment in front of James is ill-advised. He will correct you and ask you to restate or rethink where you are going with such commentary. And he is the most consistent person you know. Knowing what you will always get from Mike is comforting and allows you to clearly understand the parameters for your work and behavior in the office and it helps keep everyone on track.


The Willona

Willona is a trip. She is a great worker, and all-around fun person whom you love working with. While she is typically selective and aware of who she is talking to and joking with, she sometimes can’t help herself and will offer a funny comment that can be deemed over the line. For some reason, she is the only person that seems to have been granted a bit more latitude to be herself in front of Mike and others in management. You sometimes think she has something over them, but it is her strong personality that instills a bit of fear in everyone that makes them want to take the ‘arm’s length’ approach when it comes to Willona, opting to let her punch herself out to some degree rather than potentially becoming the focal point of her good-natured ribbing. You love that as well, because it gives you the chance to see Mike crack a smile and know that he too has more personality than he would otherwise show.


The Thelma Evans

Thelma is a lively, confident colleague who consistently demonstrates her ability to grasp even the most complex problems and quickly create the right action plan around them. While some with her level of skill can come across as a know-it-all or be condescending, not so with Thelma. She is confident in what she does, and always more concerned with completing her work than worrying about what you and others are doing. Her talent is something that is vital to your business, and you see that she will be someone who will rise in this company. You see that sometimes she will get frustrated if her point or recommendation doesn’t seem to land with upper management, should they opt for going a different route. She can stew about it for longer than you think she should, but her confidence brings a level of stubbornness that could hold her back in the future. Still, you see that nothing will stop her from continuing her successful journey, whether here or elsewhere, and will someday be in position to have her suggestions carried out to the letter, because she will eventually be the one in charge.


The Bookman

Bookman is simply a pain in the ass. You never have to wonder what he is working on or how hard it is, because he tells you and everyone who will listen, as well as those who won’t, every minute detail. And you never hear how easy a process, a product, or a customer is. They all bring him pain, frustration, and exasperation the likes of which you thankfully never see in your other colleagues. One Bookman is enough to deal with. If you have two or more of them, you would have quit a long time ago. Unfortunately for you, and most around you who feel similarly, Bookman is dependable, solid in his work, and will therefore be here as long as he keeps it up. So, you and everyone will have to endure his martyrdom for a while longer, and hope that either he or you hit the lottery soon and is able to move on from one another.


The Florida Evans

Florida is a great employee, works hard and shows up every day ready to care for whatever needs to be done. She has a caring spirit about her that encourages people to seek her out when they need advice, comfort, or simply to be a sounding board for whatever is on their mind. You have spent a good deal of time talking with Florida and cannot recall a time where you didn’t feel good after your conversation. Talking to her is like getting a big, long hug from someone you love. She can be loud, animated, and does a lot of talking with her hands. You know it is coming from a caring, genuine place, as she is able to quickly put herself in the shoes of anyone and take on their emotion as she offers her wisdom in the most relatable way possible. You’re thankful to have her and hope she’s around for a long time – or at least as long as you are.

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