Characters We Work With – The Brady Bunch

The Careereon Blogging Team
December 14, 2022

The Mike Brady

Mike is in upper management, well regarded, and the easy-going guy you like to see in that role. He will stop by and check in with you, ask how you are doing and what you are working on with a level of sincerity that draws you in and helps you believe in him. You can see what people must have seen in him as he moved along in his career and get to where he is today. He is considered a bit of a pushover, almost too nice for the role and responsibilities he has. You have seen on more than one occasion the joke that has gone over his head, or a light prank being pulled on him. While he seems good at his job and one of the nicest people you’ve ever worked with, you get the sense he has clung to whatever he learned years earlier and stopped growing and is thus stuck in a time warp from years gone by. You see that for people to stay successful in business they need to grow and evolve and get with the times, and for all of his kindness and generosity of spirit, Mike may not survive in a changing business world for much longer.


The Jan Brady

Jan works hard and is seen by everyone as a competent and effective worker, which is both appreciated and recognized by her leadership. You find it challenging to get close to Jan due to her personality which overtly thirsts for attention and acceptance, as though she sees herself as far more important and valuable than she is, but deep down, better than everyone else. The fact that the world can’t see that brings a level of frustration that Jan wears on her sleeve every day and palpable when you are with her in meetings or work on projects together. You wish Jan were a bit more self-aware and assess her value more accurately, able to see that she is greatly respected and properly recognized for her efforts, but that’s it. Take the Win, Jan, and just get to work and stop exhausting everyone.


The Alice Nelson

Alice is the quintessential worker-bee. She comes in, on time, every time, day in and day out without exception. You never have to question or wonder where Alice is, or what she is doing. She is always where she is supposed to be, doing what she should be doing. Additionally, she brings both the sense of humor and welcoming approach that encourages everyone to come by, exchange pleasantries and get a little ‘Alice Fix’ throughout the day. And if you need something done, done correctly and efficiently, Alice is the right person for you. While you love so many things about her, you do find it tiring sometimes to be around her for too long. She is funny, yes, but never stops being funny. She is friendly and upbeat, yes. But it never stops. So, when there was the opportunity to moves seats around, you were sure to get a bit of distance between you and Alice so that you could still stop by, say hello, and feel good about things having gotten a compliment from Alice. But sitting next to her, all day, every day, was simply more than you were willing to endure. You hate yourself for saying so, and acknowledge you are probably a bad person for thinking it, but you knew for your own sanity it was the right move.


The Sam the Butcher

Sam is one of the vendors your company works with closely. He is in the office a few times a week, but for no more than a few minutes at a time. After years in the company, you are as used to seeing Sam around the office as you are the fern in the vestibule. Sam always makes an impression, and it is consistently filled with humor, good-natured sarcasm, and a host of one-liners that would make Henny Youngman jealous. It always brings a smile to your face when you see Sam, because you know with 100% certainty what you are going to get, which are the three things you love most in work: 1) A compliment, 2) something that gives you a laugh, and 3) a brief encounter that lets you carry on with your day. You enjoy seeing Sam, and love that you can never get trapped in a thirty-minute session of this and that. He, like you, has work to do, so this form of Speed-Dating gives you both what you need to move onto the next thing – serendipitous.


The Carol Brady

Carol is a dynamo around the office. While you feel fortunate to work with many talented and highly effective people, nobody outdoes Carol. Her work ethic is off the charts, and it clearly comes naturally to her, as she exudes a level of energy akin to a child on a Halloween sugar high. And it is not just quantity, Carol produces high quality as well. Her personality is sweet, friendly, and she is beloved by all in the workplace. Unlike some who have that level of approachability, Carol does so without trying. She doesn’t look to be the jokester or overly complimentary. You can recall her talking to you, as she does with everyone, about areas you can improve upon. Hearing constructive feedback from some can seem like a slight or insult but people never feel that way when it’s from Carol. Her level of effectiveness and overall kindness has given her the street cred to deliver the difficult message in a way that inspires people to take her advice and actually feel grateful that she cares.


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