Characters We Work With – American Idol

The Careereon Blogging Team
January 14, 2023

The Ryan Seacrest

In every business there is that person who is out in front of it all, great presence, speaking voice, looks the part, and generally considered to be the ‘face of the franchise’. Ryan is not part of the decision-making process, does not determine or influence the direction of the company, and is not the person called in to work through a crisis or market crash. But when the decisions have been made, and the plan has been set for how to take business to the next level or emerge from the rubble of a business catastrophe, Ryan is the person you call to relay the plan to the organization, and perhaps to the public at large. His ability to take the information, quickly absorb it, process it, and intuitively know how it should be presented for maximum impact is uncanny. When you think of the business as a whole, you do think of the decision-makers, the innovators and technical minds behind the products and services mostly. But none of it would be as successful as it is without that ambassador willing to stand out in front and paint a beautiful picture that makes you want to be part of it, and come along to enjoy the ride.




The Randy Jackson

Randy is just a cool, relatable dude who, although he resides in the executive suite, is nothing like the stereotypical ‘big-wig’ we most often spot walking off the executive elevator while the rest of us wait in the packed hallway of the regular elevator bank. You know Randy is a power broker at the company, but you would never know it by how he talks, and who he talks to. He engages everyone, regardless of title, exactly the same way. His laid back demeanor is entirely genuine, and never mistaken for disinterest. He knows the business and is a savvy, keen decision-maker who consistently produces great thoughts and ideas on what the next business move should be, and can quickly formulate the strategy to executive on it. It is his people-skills that are the key to success in your business, as Randy can spend the morning putting the finishing touches on a powerful business plan, and by the afternoon will be standing in front of large groups, engaging all on how the plan is going to drive sustained success for everyone in the years to come. His business and industry knowledge, likability, and overall credibility is so relied upon from his peers in the ‘C-Suite’ because they know Randy’s work and ability to deliver a message elicits instant buy-in from the organization, prompting everyone to take the plan and run with it as a team.




The Paula Abdul

Paula is beloved in your organization. She splits her time between Public Relations and Human Resources, which is unusual for most organizations who will usually separate these organizations into their own groups. But Paula began when the company was smaller, and splitting time and duties was a common practice back then. Because she was so good at both, she has continued to work in both capacities, but with teams who are dedicated to one area or the other. Her unofficial title is the CIO – Chief Inspiration Officer, able to lift people around the organization with a kind word or comment that is not generalized, but specific to the individual. Her interpersonal skill and ability to positively impact all teams endears her to all, and brings incredible value to the team whose production and success is always a bit stronger when Paula is around.




The Adam Lambert

Every so often there is a person who comes along, joins the team, and mixes in really well with everyone. In the blink of an eye, this ‘newbie’ emerge with other-worldly talent that causes everyone to stand up and take notice. Adam’s talent is light years ahead of even the best people you can think of who have come and gone in your organization, such that you and everyone are simply blown away day, anticipating with great wonder at whatever The Adam will do next. And he never disappoints. His work is consistently perfect, yet with a level of flair and creativity that you cannot recall having seen before. This flash of brilliance that has graced your workplace confounds everyone, generating chatter in all corners as to where he has come from, what his background is, and how no one has ever heard of him before. After a little time, you no longer care about the answers to those questions, and instead just sit back and enjoy the ride you are on with a truly bright, original light that has graced your company. It is a bittersweet experience, and one that you know is short-lived, as nothing can contain The Adam, whom you know is destined for bigger and better things, and you can’t wait to watch where he goes, and what he will do next.





The Simon Cowell

Simon is in charge. Make no bones about it. He never says it, because he never has to say it. While he didn’t start the company, is not the founder or the CEO, he defers to no one, and what he says always goes. It is clear that he has a nose for your business, and his track record of success, and ability to know talent and to drive success of your business is unparalleled. He is not the warm and fuzzy executive who, even superficially, will put on the nice face and tell everyone what they want to hear. That is not who he is, nor will ever be. He is blunt, often perceived as harsh, but is always honest. He will tell you what you what you may not want to hear, but you learn that you should listen, because you will be better for it. His leadership is not for the faint of heart, but for people like you who are interested in being more, being better, and always looking to improve in your craft, The Simon is the person to hitch your wagon to. As hard as you may work, and any progress you believe you have made will quickly be put in check if The Simon believes it is not good enough. If you love honest, impactful feedback that can help you grow, The Simon is for you. If you are like most, who can only handle positive feedback and encouragement, or the star on the forehead for mediocre performance, steer clear, because you are in for a painful, bumpy ride with The Simon driving the bus.

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