Characters We Work With – The Waltons

The Careereon Blogging Team
January 14, 2023

The Zeb Walton-‘Grandpa’

The Grandpa is a long-time employee, and has seen it all. You recall fondly upon joining the company and first met Grandpa. He was part of your on-boarding process, taking on that role years earlier for his ability to share the company’s history better than any company ‘welcome’ video ever could. The warmth and wisdom he imparts through all he does endears him to everyone that spends time with him or even sits in near him while enjoying a cup of coffee in the employee lounge. You are never sure how meaningful or impactful his official role is, but his value is clear to you and all team members. He is the glue that holds the organization together, able to work through conflicts and bring people together better than any HR group or engagement team ever could.


The John Walton

Most offices have that person they look at as ‘The Rock’, that unflappable character who has one speed, one tone, one personna that never deviates from the person you met on Day 1. The John Walton is that character, and you greatly enjoy spending this phase of your career with him. He is pleasant to be around, seldom makes a joke, yet has a good sense of humor. John can be seen laughing when something funny happens, although it is usually in the form of a slight smirk and furrowed brow. John never seems to be over-exerting to get his work done, yet he always completes all tasks and responsibilities on time and with high quality. He knows what his role is, his responsibilities are, and can be counted on consistently. He is a role model for his work ethic, cool-under-fire demeanor, and ability to get along with everyone who has ever passed through the organization.


The Olivia ‘Livvy’ Walton

There are key roles within the company that some people were born to fill and some evolved, or were pushed, into over time. Livvy was born in her role, as the watchful eye, the caretaker, even the mother hen to many. Livvy is always aware of what is happening in the office, making her way to the sad, downtrodden, the broken or ill, offering a shoulder, a hug, or whatever it is she believes will help someone get through a rough period in time. She also is the one that remembers the important dates and milestones around the office. She left a card on your desk on your five-year anniversary with the company, and your tenth wedding anniversary as well. She sent flowers to your loved one’s funeral, and came in baskets of baked goods when the company landed your biggest client in its history. Her timing and eye for doing whatever a situation calls for is simply perfect, and you are ever-grateful for the joy and satisfaction you get each day for the time you get to share your work and career with The Livvy.





The Ike Godsey

When you work in a large office complex or a building, you are glad that you can stay ‘on campus’ when you need to pick up a few items or incidentals rather than trying to make it to the store or mall which takes up a whole lunch hour. The Ike Godsey runs the campus store, and is the fixture that everyone knows, and loves to connect with a few times each week. That little outlet seems to have everything you have ever needed to pick up right when you’ve needed it. That soda you can’t find anywhere, those chips you have only seen when you were on vacation in Aruba, and the fix-a-flat you needed when you saw your tire was nearly deflated and just wanted to get home to deal with it later. How he knows what the employees of the office park need is something you’ll never understand, but he is tuned in to what his public needs at a truly uncanny level. Ike always has a kind word, a complimentary observation, or even a polite ‘Dad-type’ joke he shares with you and just about everyone who passes through on a given day. Like the massage chairs they added to the employee lounge, or the Zen Room the company added a couple of years back, The Ike is like one of the company perks you are grateful to have, and recognize its uniqueness is something you are unlikely to find anywhere else.



The John-Boy Walton

Johnboy is the classic ‘old soul’ trapped in a millennial’s body. He is thoughtful, sensitive, and deep thinking. You see intellect and wisdom beyond his years. John-Boy is as humble as the day is long, and his thirst for knowledge and meaning is always apparent. It is clear that John-Boy is here temporarily, learning what he can about business, about people, and how the two interact with one another. You believe he will eventually, sooner than later, take that knowledge and apply it to something that, at least to him, will have greater meaning and impact, both to him and to the world. You are happy for John-Boy, as it seems he has figured some important things out about life that you and many others wish you could. Leaning on his ability to quickly adapt and learn, he quickly became a well-respected and productive worker that you can see has earned the eye of upper-management. But you never look at him as competition for the next promotional opportunity or two, because John-Boy is not interested. He has a plan, and you are certain it will be something he does on his own, or somewhere people collaborate on great inventions or masterworks in the art or business world. You look forward to the day you learn that John-Boy has moved on, knowing he is one step further on his path, and you are one step closer to seeing the great things he most certainly is destined to accomplish.

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