Characters We Work With – Game of Thrones (Part I)

The Careereon Blogging Team
September 19, 2022

Characters We Work With – Game of Thrones (Part I)

The Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion is a bit of a unicorn. He is different than most, and often overlooked for superficial reasons, the way he looks, brash behavior, inability to take things seriously, among other things. But he likely is not engaged with his work or with his co-workers, aware that he is considered something of an outcast. When the moment arrives, or he is called on to be more than some believe he is capable of, he rises to the occasion to the surprise of many. Moments like these are when perceptions change, not only about The Tyrions, but give us pause to rethink how we quickly assess people and form opinions that can be long lasting. People are often much more, and have far greater depth than we think.

The Ned Stark

The Ned is Solid as a Rock. He is part of the upper management team, and you value him greatly because you know he got there through honesty and hard work, not by playing office politics. He cares about family, his work, and unabashedly takes both very seriously. He is there to help you whenever you need him but is never the person you can ask to fudge the numbers, or sneakily do anything that gives you, or him, an advantage. He cannot be corrupted and would just assume fall on the figurative sword before saying or doing something dishonorable. Even if The Ned is not the guy who joins everyone on Friday night after work for drinks, and never has a good joke to lighten the mood, we hold The Ned in the highest of esteem thanks to his uncompromising principles and dedication to his work, his friends and his family.

The Brienne of Tarth

The Brienne is the Good Soldier. She, like Ned Stark, is pure of heart and demonstrates true commitment to all-things family, friends and the company. She will always choose to do what is right over every other consideration. Sometimes unable to get the joke, displaying a serious if not curious look while the rest have a chuckle, it is because her mind is on the task ahead, the mission, and does not allow much time for frivolity. She will never disappoint, leave her work incomplete, or miss a deadline. She only ever makes the whole team look good, never taking credit for a job well done, although she always does her job well. With great magnanimity, she passes praise to the team. The business needs as many Breinnes as it can find, and all around her consider her among the top, hardest working, most valuable players on the team.

The Robert Baratheon

We don’t know how he does it, how he earned it, or even IF he earned it, but Robert Baratheon is The Boss in the big office at the end of the hall. He sits there lazily like it is his throne and you are among his many subjects.  Baratheon can be brash, loud, consistently straddling the line of appropriateness, and yet he sometimes gives you just an inkling of intelligence and business savvy that suggest he may know more about the business than it would appear on the surface. While Baratheon is what we consider ‘Old School’ in his approach, you seldom are unclear about what is important to him, or how he will react to anything that happens in the business, and that can be quite comforting. An erratically behaving boss, who makes two different decisions when faced with the same problem just days apart is far more concerning to us than the Robert Baratheon. We know he is a bit of a dying breed, and that is probably for the best given the cons far outweigh the pros. But we know we could do worse. We have experienced worse bosses throughout our career for sure. But since he can also be supportive and protective of his kingdom, us included, we are content to have Robert Baratheon.

The Jaime Lannister

The Jaime is the classic ‘Style over Substance’ employee. They look the part, talk the part, and unlike the Tyrion who puts us off from the get-go, Jaime draws us in with off the charts charisma that quickly make us wonder why he is not yet in the boss’ seat, believing that he surely will before too long. The more we get to know Jaime, the flaws begin to reveal themselves, as he leverages that charm to get others to do his work, or cover up for him, because he has created a following of people all too happy to do so to never risk not having him around. Eventually, The Jaime moves on. They don’t stay long in any one place, and often land elsewhere with a similar or better role than the one they had while working with you. Once landing in a new spot, you will learn that The Jaime has begun to create another cult-like following of people ready to anoint them as the next big thing.


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