Characters We Work – Entourage

The Careereon Blogging Team
May 26, 2024

Characters We Work With – Entourage


When we settle into a new workplace, we often find ourselves settling in with a familiar group of faces. Sometimes we connect with others who joined the company around the same time, other times it is the people within a team we’ve been assigned. Regardless of how, we usually welcome the opportunity to have our own sort of entourage in the workplace. The HBO Hit ‘Entourage’ takes us through a group who work closely together, connected by their upbringing and lifelong friendships. We’ll take a look at a few of these rising stars and see how much they remind us of The Characters We Work With.


The Turtle

No workplace or office runs without a good number of consistent, steady people who are never above even the most mundane or menial assignments. That is where The Turtle shines. He is grounded in the belief that hard work and a good attitude will pay off in the end. He thus offers his support for any project or task, and competes them on time every time. The Turtle is not shy about having goals, and wanting bigger and better in the future, but knows that as a newer employee with development to do, he has a lot of work ahead of him to achieve his lofty goals. But working with him a while now, we believe The Turtle will get there.


The Drama

For some of our colleagues, making mountains out of molehills is an everyday habit, and our over-reactor we call The Drama. If there is a competitive threat, the Drama envisions the company going under, everyone losing the jobs, their income, their home, and eventually living under a bridge somewhere. The Drama is an equal opportunity dramatist, seeing us taking on a new client as a sign of his incredible business acumen, and an indication that he will soon rise to the executive level and ultimately running the company. His swings of emotion, from worry to visions of grandeur are both legendary, and the cause of whiplash for his colleagues. But we’re grateful for the levity The Drama brings to the team, as it doesn’t take long for people to realize it is just who he is, and thus is his many extreme proclamations are never taken seriously.

The Ari

That unstoppable force of a boss we call The Ari. The Ari knows the business inside and out, and his instincts for what the business should do at every turn are simply uncanny. If there is a client undecided on the company to whom they’ll give their business, the Ari will not hesitate to go out and sell them on our company and always gets them to come aboard. His never-say-die attitude has seen the company realize incredible growth, but has seen a number of our colleagues abandon ship due to his unforgiving nature for anyone who is not pulling their weight. The Ari does not accept excuses, and if he believes someone is dropping the ball or making one too many mistakes, he will call them out, loudly and publicly. The Ari seldom has to fire anybody, as the dressing down that his perceived slacker receives is usually enough for them to run away screaming from the business to better pastures that include a higher tolerance for an occasional slip-up.

The Eric ‘E’

A more tempered approach that we appreciate in a manager comes from one of our favorite leaders, whom we call The Eric, or The ‘E’ by nickname. The ‘E’ takes a laid back approach to his work, and his leadership of the team. He is not only tolerant of mistakes, but will take the necessary time to coach and develop his team to pick themselves up after mistakes and do better the next time. The ‘E’ knows that motivation comes from people gaining confidence in themselves, and helping them envision their success and ascension in the business, and why we listen, take his feedback, and put into action, believing it will pay dividends in the end.

The Vince

The star of our show, the one who comes in with what seems like God-Given talent, we call The Vince. The Vince was born for this business, and thus far, has taken on a number of roles, which we see him take on and immediately flourish, as though he’s been doing it for years. Not everyone finds their calling in their career, but The Vince surely has, as he not only is our prime time performer, but brings a humble, friendly attitude that ingratiates himself to the team, and sees everyone want to rally around him, join in his success, hoping some of that ‘It Factor’ rubs off on them as well.

The hit show ‘Entourage’ is a story of a group of people growing, learning, and succeeding together through hard work, humility, camaraderie, and support for one another. We see how their ability to push each other to do their best, and partner together to achieve their shared goals brings success, not just for the bottom line, or any one individual, but for everyone. As we think of the best stops we make in our career, we too have seen how these behaviors yield similar results. Business success is founded on the people who contribute their best with a positive, supportive, team-first attitude, like we see through the team on ‘Entourage’, and through The Characters We Work With.

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