Characters We Work With – ER

The Careereon Blogging Team
June 27, 2024

Characters from ER We All Worked With


The hit show ER shows us just how an emergency functions to heal the sick, and despite living lives of their own, and bringing unique personalities into their work, they know how and where to focus to ensure the business of saving lives runs at optimum levels. Let’s dig down on the fascinating group of first responders and see what makes them tick, and see how they measure up to The Characters We Work With.

The Dr. John Carter

One of our newer colleagues whom we saw get his feet wet, learning both his role and the dynamics of our workplace is The Dr. John Carter. The Dr. Carter came in with clear intelligence and work ethic, watching the leaders of our business perform, how they interact, looking to model his approach to what works best. Over time the Dr. Carter accomplishes this and with the skill and ambition he brought in with him, he earns next level assignments which he always performs exceedingly well, positioning himself to assume the lead role before long.

The Dr. Mark Greene

No workplace is immune to interpersonal conflict, and while it is expected from time to time, if there is not someone to step in and look to resolve, it does not take long for a simple disagreement to create a hostile, even toxic, culture. Thankfully, we have the Dr. Mark Greene. Like most of us, the Dr. Greene began as an individual contributor, performing consistently at a high level, and establishing a reputation for dependability and follow through. As strong a performer as he is, the Dr. Greene’s best skill is his natural ability to mediate and resolve conflict. When workplace strife arises, it is always the Dr. Greene who is called upon to help team members work through it successfully. This successful skillset combo prompted his ascension to leadership, where he continues to apply all of his abilities to create great culture and ensure the team executes without fail and keep the business running smoothly.

The Dr. Susan Lewis

One of our most talented co-workers who knows her stuff, and brings hard work and creativity to all she does is The Dr. Susan Lewis. The Dr. Lewis came into the business with a softer, gentler personality that warmed most people to her, while others saw the opportunity to take advantage. The office opportunists who saw her talent, couldn’t wait to shift some of their workload over to the Dr. Lewis, which she did without objection every time. Only when pushed too far do we see the Dr. Lewis protest or refuse a request, but its rarity gives her the earned reputation of being a pushover. With all of the talent and drive to take the Dr. Lewis to the next level, she will not likely find it until she is able to find the courage and self-confidence to stand up for herself and take it.

The Carol Hathaway RN

Every workplace has a supervisor or manager, a leader whom we look at as the boss. In the bigger operations with a lot of employees, we sometimes see our fellow team members, our peers, tasked with overseeing the team, and handing out assignments. Our Leader amongst her peers is the Carol Hathaway. The Carol is an incredibly strong performer, completing her work at an exceptional level at every turn, and serves as the model for others to emulate. We believe the Carol is the easy choice to officially take a leadership position, but she is not only content where she is, but seems to be fulfilling her purpose to do great work and be an asset that the business and our team rely on every day.

The Dr. Peter Benton

That colleague who comes in with the refined skills and talent of a seasoned pro, but severely underdeveloped interpersonal skills is the Dr. Peter Benton. The Dr. Benton seems to have been born for this business, grasping all aspects of the company and his work very quickly. While such ability will usually see a person quickly move up level to level, the Dr. Benton’s fatal flaw is his lack of social skills, abrasive demeanor, and the air of superiority that discourages people from wanting to work with him. The Dr. Benton endures several humbling moments over the years, taken down the necessary pegs to give him the perspective and humility he was lacking. With better people-skills, emotional intelligence, and his already established skills, the Dr. Benton begins to ascend through the organization, and the team is glad to see him get there.


When we want or need something, from a cup of coffee to a gas fill-up, to a trip to the local hospital after an injury, we enter someone’s workplace. The long-running hit ‘E.R.’ gave us an inside look at how a hospital runs, led by ordinary people with extraordinary gives, going through life, loves and losses, happiness and heartbreak. They bring special gifts, dedication and the understanding that individual talent can yield results, but working as a team is what drives true success, much like we experience throughout our careers alongside The Characters We Work With.


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