Characters We Work With – It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

The Careereon Blogging Team
August 31, 2024

The long-running hit ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ takes us on a wild ride of adventure, surprises, outrageous behavior, and a never-ending quest for fame and riches by any means necessary. Let’s take a deeper look at this unique group of friends and family that somehow found each other, and see if what makes them tick hold some similarities to some people we know, like The Characters We Work With.


The Dennis

Wherever we go, and wherever we work, we find ourselves alongside people who are clearly bright, talented, and believe they are even more bright and talented than the rest of us. Meet The Dennis. The Dennis is good at what he does, and why he is sought after to join projects or manage an important client. But The Dennis will also boast about himself, his great work, expecting praise, recognition, usually in the form of a bonus or promotion. While those don’t come as often as The Dennis prefers, his braggadocio does add comic relief, and why we love to work with The Dennis.

The Charlie

That colleague who is competent but by no means an all-star, mostly due to their inability to read a room, or even spell the term ‘Social Awareness’, we call The Charlie. The Charlie is all too lovable, thanks to his sense of humor, and willingness to laugh at himself. Believing he is a ‘Go-Two’ person, which he often is, The Charlie will add levity to any situation, providing non-stop laughs whenever he is around, and we can never get enough of that.

The Dee

When you have a co-worker who will happily take on the most menial, unenviable tasks, and keep smiling, you are working with The Dee. The Dee is not someone blessed with God-Given talent like the high-risers who quickly pass by on the way up the corporate ladder. The Dee is a grinder, doing what it takes to stick around, secure in her role, never attempting to bite off more than she can chew, fearing the spotlight will shine upon her and reveal her faults for all to see. But there is more to The Dee than even she sees, and if she can build her confidence, our faith in her may push her to go after those next level roles we can believe she just may be capable of.

The Mac

They say ignorance is bliss, and time and again it proves to be true. Working with The Mac is a daily, blissful example of the co-worker who believes he knows it all, has talent commensurate with any captain of industry, and that everyone sees the very same in him. Thus, The Mac is never shy to share his opinion, make suggestions to drive new business or save time or save cost, none of which are ever adopted by the company. But his work ethic, curiosity, and good-natured go-getter approach is enough to make him a valuable team member. And if he can continue his education, get more training, and take on a mentor, The Mac may just achieve those lofty career goals yet.

The Frank

The boss of the office is that long-tenured industry veteran who acts like he knows it all, and he actually just might, and whom we call The Frank. The Frank is a fixer, and always full of big ideas. When times are good, The Frank will look to push for better. When times are tough, The Frank is undaunted, always able to create a positive outcome. When the industry is crashing, The Frank sees only opportunity to exploit the weaknesses of the competition and take the company higher. His methods are both unconventional and old-school, but there is no questioning that The Frank is the right choice to sit in the corner office.

Few TV Shows are as unpredictably hysterical as ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’, thanks to the mix of extreme personalities that find themselves together in search of fame and fortune and everything that goes with it. In business, there is no shortage of people who are counted on, and driven, to take a company to that same place. Some companies surprise the business world when they get there, and this eclectic bunch may just get there themselves. As we reflect on the best moments of our career, it is never about perfection, but about finding the right mix of people who work as a team, support each other, and believe in themselves and what they can achieve, proving it is never about a product or a service, but about The Characters We Work With.


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