Characters We Work With – Scrubs
The workplace takes on many forms. We don’t all work in buildings or offices, but work is everywhere, from the construction sites we pass, the restaurants we frequent, and the hospitals we never want to go to. The hit show Scrubs gives us an inside peek at the hospital from the workplace perspective, where we see the employees, from doctors, nurses, administrative staff and all of the many roles it takes to run the business of healing the sick every day. Let’s hit the viewing gallery and see just how well this fun loving group lines up to the Characters We Work With.
The Kelso
Our long-time leader who drops the hammer on the team at any given moment we call The Kelso. The Kelso is an industry veteran, knows the inside and out, and as he moved up the chain, took the term ‘bottom line’ to a whole new level. Thus when there is waste to be found, whether wasted resources or wasted time, it will not slip by him, and he will be sure to visit the offender to let them have it in as angry and aggressive way as possible.
The Elliot
Our fun, quirky and unpredictable co-worker who is always out to impress, often in the strangest ways possible is the Elliot. The Elliot is a pleasure to be around, and is among the office comedians, intentionally or not. She is highly competent, and mostly why people love working alongside her, but it is her personality, fun-spirit and willingness to break out in a dance for any reason that makes her the spark of energy we can never get enough of.
The Perry
We love working with smart, focused people, and among the more focused is The Perry. The Perry brings the talent and the drive to get done everything he needs to, and will hop in to help the team at any point as well. Now, he might be sarcastic, even whiny, as he’s called in, making everyone knows he’s already done his work and now doing more work than the rest to bail everyone out, but his quick wit and sarcasm is all part of the charm that makes the Perry among our favorites to work with.
The Turk
We enjoy having funny people on our work teams, and there are few funnier than The Turk. The Turk is one of our favorite team leaders, because he will not only give out the work fairly and equitably, but is the rare leader who will jump right in to directly help people, as he cares more about the success of the team and company than his title. Never treating the team like subordinates, the Turk partners with people, establishing a culture of teamwork and camaraderie that ups the energy and makes people happy to come to work each day.
One fun-spirited leader is often all we see in a single career stop, so when we encounter two such leaders, it’s a must-see TV, only it’s in the workplace. Here our other fun-loving boss is the J.D., who like his counterpart the Turk, enjoys having fun, while never avoiding hard work, nor falling short on projects or deadlines. When J.D. and Turk are together it can be comedic gold, and also tends to slow down the work day, as people can’t help but drop what they’re doing to watch the show. But, everyone knows to make up for the impromptu break, J.D. rallies the troops and the team gets it all done. And then the next day, we do it all again.
The long-running hit “Scrubs” shows how a workplace functions when people work as a team, despite the chaos and dysfunction that is inevitable in every business. From tough bosses, to gossipers, overly exhausted and slackers, Scrubs also finds the same balance we usually find with hard-workers, high-spirited, funny and fun-loving colleagues we call The Characters We Work With.
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