Energy Trader I-II

Salary: $9,089.00 – $12,788.00 Monthly

Location : Turlock, CA

Job Type: Full Time

Job Number: 1699


Opening Date: 08/14/2023

Closing Date: Continuous



Minimize the District’s wholesale power supply cost and maximize wholesale revenue by monitoring and forecasting customer loads in the short-term, making economical use of District power supply resources and transmission, and arranging economical purchases, sales and exchanges of energy, capacity, transmission, and other wholesale products and services. Prepare and transmit related schedules and electronic tags. Accurately and efficiently prepare records and reports concerning system operations.

Examples of Duties

Energy Trader I
This is the entry-level class in the Energy Trader classification. This classification is distinguished from the Energy Trader II classification by the degree of responsibilities assigned to this classification. Employees at this level will be responsible for optimizing the use of District resources through the end of the existing pre-scheduled time period.
Energy Trader II
Employees within this classification are distinguished from the Energy Trader I by the degree of responsibilities assigned to this classification. Employees at this level receive only occasional instruction or assistance as new or unusual situations arise and are fully aware of the operating procedures and policies. Employees at this level will be responsible for the optimization of District resources through the end of the existing pre-scheduled time period and the next full calendar week.


Prepare and implement short-term plans and schedules for the use of generating plants, contracts, and transmission in accordance with generating plant, contract, fuel, transmission, and water delivery characteristics, outages, and constraints, to serve electric loads most economically, meet the water requirements of the District, and meet all applicable WECC (Western Electricity Coordinating Council) and NERC (North American Electric Reliability Council) requirements for control area operations.

Schedule power supply resources, transactions, transmission and water utilization with appropriate District personnel, transacting parties, transmitters and other entities, as required. Prepare, transmit, receive and confirm NERC electronic tags and other necessary information as required. Prepare and submit bids and offers to other parties. Revise existing schedules for the applicable period as warranted.

Create economical transactions to meet system needs and abnormal contingencies. Transactions include purchases, sales, and exchanges of energy, capacity, transmission, ancillary services, fuel and other products and services.

Monitor District’s and contracted service requirements. Accurately forecast loads based on weather, historical and other data, for the applicable scheduling period.

Interpret and administer District power, transmission services and related contracts and tariffs to optimize their use while remaining in compliance with existing policies and procedures, including the District’s risk management limits.

Prepare general instruction orders for energy resource scheduling and dispatching; review daily system records for general instruction orders, compliance and accuracy. Prepare and maintain instructions, procedures, logs, records and reports related to assigned areas and projects.

Perform duties of a Scheduling Coordinator (as defined by the CAISO / California Independent System Operator) as assigned.

Support and coordinate with staff of PowerControlCenter, generating plants and other District departments and administrations.

Use software and hardware acquired by the District that assists in this position’s duties and responsibilities. Develop procedures, algorithms and software to be used as tools in performing assigned duties.

Assist in developing operational plans, scheduling water releases from Don Pedro Dam and fuel purchases.

Comply with and enforce all District rules, regulations, policies and procedures.

Perform other related duties as required or assigned by supervisor.
Typical Qualifications


Any combination of experience and training that would likely provide the required skills and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the skills and abilities would be:


Energy Trader I-II

Usually exhibited by a person with a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with significant course work in an analytical field, such as mathematics, science, engineering, finance, accounting or economics is highly desirable. Related experience above the minimum experience required may be substituted for up to two years of the educational requirement.


Energy Trader I

None required.

Energy Trader II

Usually exhibited by a person with two (2) years experience in positions related to the Energy Trader I position or positions that would prepare one to become an Energy Trader II.

Possession of a current NERC Balancing and Interchange certification or higher and continuing NERC and WECC education to maintain required certification

Skills and Abilities

Interpersonal and Communications.

Energy Trader I-II – Ability to: communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing; handle issues in a diplomatic and professional manner; and maintain effective working relationships with District staff and others encountered in the course of District business.

Maintain a positive work atmosphere by acting and communicating in a manner so that you get along with customers, clients, co-workers and management.

Technical and Analytical.

Energy Trader I-II – Ability to: interpret contracts, tariffs, procedures, outage requests, clearance notifications, and other technical material; think and act quickly and make good judgments while working under pressure and tight deadlines; deal with complex issues and problems; and learn to use software and hardware systems used in the position. Must possess: skill in gathering, comprehending, and using data in preparing forecasts, making transactions, and optimizing the use of District resources; knowledge of efficient energy and water resource scheduling; principles of energy accounting and interchange; mathematics, including algebra; industry practices related to scheduling and pre-scheduling and tagging in California and the WECC region; practices of WSPP (Western Systems Power Pool) and other District contracts in making transactions; and practices of the California ISO.

Administration and Operations.

Energy Trader I-II – Ability to: work any shift, including nights and weekends, consistently or on a rotating basis; be on call for assigned periods of time; efficiently prepare and maintain accurate records and reports. Must have ability to work independently with minimal supervision, exercising initiative, with good judgment and discretion.

Supplemental Information
Percentage Required to
Item Obtain a Passing Score

Written Exam 70%
Oral Interview 70%

Medical Examination
This position may require a medical examination to determine medical fitness for performing the duties assigned to the position or classification.

Drug testing in accordance with the FHWA regulations may also be required. (Details may be obtained from the Human Resource Department upon request.)

The Turlock Irrigation District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It does not discriminate on the basis of, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, sex, physical and mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), age (over 40), and marital status.

Assistance is available in filling out job applications for disabled individuals.

The Turlock Irrigation District’s bargaining unit positions are a part of an agency shop.

Applicants will be subject to drug testing in accordance with FHWA regulations, when the position requires a Commercial Driver’s License.

The Turlock Irrigation District provides reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees with a disability in accordance with federal and state law.

SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Human Resources Department, via our web site at

Internal and External applicants may apply beginning Monday, August 14, 2023 until position is filled or we have enough qualified applicants.

Online Written Examination Date(s): To Be Determined

Stephanie Martinez
Human Resources Analyst
(209) 883-8253


The following summary of benefits is provided by the Turlock Irrigation District for employees filling regular full time positions.

Holidays: 12 paid holidays per calendar year

Sick Leave: 12 sick leave days per calendar year with no accumulation limit


M.S.P.C. Non-Bargaining Unit

2 weeks (7 month through 2nd year)

3 weeks (3rd year through 5th year)

4 weeks + 1 day(6th year through 14th year)

5 weeks (15th year through 24th year)

5 weeks + 3 days (25th year & thereafter)
1 Floating Holiday

Health Insurance is provided by the District and administered through our Third Party Administrator. Turlock Irrigation District utilizes the Anthem Blue Cross Prudent Buyer PPO Network. Out-of-pocket expenses can be limited if Anthem Blue Cross plan providers and hospitals are used. Employees have a choice of a PPO Plan or a HDHP (High Deductible Health Plan) during open enrollment or a qualifying event as per IRS plan guidelines.

Prescription Insurance is administered by Express Scripts. We have a four-tiered co-pay structured plan: generic; formulary; non-formulary; & specialty. For maintenance medications, the Express Scripts “Mail Order” plan is most cost effective.

Dental Insurance is provided by the District and administered through Delta Dental PPO Network. Preventative benefits are paid at 100%; basic benefits are paid at 80%, crowns, jackets and cast restoration benefits are paid at 50%. The District offers a voluntary Base Plus Buy-Up plan. Employee costs are minimized when utilizing a Delta Dental PPO Dentist/Orthodontist.

Vision Insurance is provided by the District and administered through VSP. Employee costs are minimized when utilizing a VSP Optometrist. The District offers a voluntary Buy-Up Vision plan.

Flexible Spending Account (Section 125) is made available to employees to cover health and/or dependent care expenses on a pre-tax basis. A flexible spending account credit card is provided by BCC for health care reimbursable expenses as per IRS regulations.

Health Savings Account is made available for those employees electing the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) only. A Health Savings Account credit card is provided by BCC for health care reimbursable expenses as per IRS regulations.

Life Insurance & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance is provided by the District through VOYA Employee Benefits. Coverage amount is two times the employee’s annual base salary. The maximum benefit is $200,000.

Supplemental Life Insurance (Employees/Dependents) is available to District employees on a voluntary basis from VOYA Employee Benefits. Employees may elect up to $500,000, in addition to electing spousal coverage up to a maximum of $100k.

Long Term Disability is provided by the District and administered by VOYA Employee Benefits. The benefit may reimburse up to 66.66% of basic monthly earnings.

Deferred Compensation (457b plan) is available on a voluntary basis to District employees. Contributions are made before taxes through payroll deductions. Employees can authorize withholdings from $12.50 per pay period or up to a maximum of $19,000 per year, whichever is less. Catch up provisions are available at age 50.

Social Security/Medicare participation is required for all employees. The District matches the employee contribution.

Retirement Benefits are provided by the District with a contribution by employees. The Defined Benefit Plans are based on date of hire, age, years of service, and average monthly salary at the age you elect to retire. Please refer to the appropriate retirement plan document based on date of hire.

Educational Assistance Program provides employees financial assistance for occupational related school courses.


This position requires a Rotating 12-hour Workday. You will be required to work on nights, weekends, and holidays as part of the rotating schedule. Are you willing to work this type of schedule?


Describe your experience in negotiation, trading energy, and scheduling energy. If you do not have direct experience describe other work experience that would be applicable.


Describe your experience in working under pressure, or making decisions with limited time and information.


Describe your experience in being a part of a highly integrated and inter-dependent team in the work place. What are the most important characteristics an employee should have to contribute to a productive team and positive work environment?


The position you are considering will be involved in rapidly changing energy markets. Going forward, what are some of the challenges facing Trading and Scheduling at TID?

Required Question

Job Category
Energy Generation and Mining
Job Type
Full Time/Permanent
USD 9,089.00 - 12,788.00 per month
United States
Career Level
Turlock Irrigation District